Google Giving Week of 2021

Emad Foundation was initiated with the loving memory of Emad Arman Shamekhi. After birth, Emad was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). He spent over 7 months in Children’s hospitals far away from his home. Emad left our world 4 days after his first birthday. Emad’s parents appreciated the experience and immense support they received during Emad’s hospitalization by deciding to pay it forward through the creation of the Emad Foundation.

Our Mission

Emad Foundation supports kids who need to travel for medical purposes, with accommodation, food, medical expenses, transportation, and other basic amenities.

Children’s hospitals in large cities host patients from smaller towns and rural areas. The duration of the treatment can even take up to a year for certain. Financial costs of hospitalization and treatment are so high that many families cannot afford accommodation and healthy food. Many families have to stay in tents without very basic amenities, while many others simply decide to stop their kid’s treatment process.

our mission is to ease the treatment process by providing housing for the kids and their family and make them physically and emotionally stronger in their long journey

 Who We Serve

After several months of research, we decided to focus on kids who undergo bone marrow or organ transplant in Iran. The transplant procedures are solely performed in the capital city Tehran. These kids and their families must stay in Tehran several months before and up to a year after the transplant for outpatient treatments (such as chemotherapy, radiography, etc.) and regular checkups. Having undergone extensive treatments, these kids are especially vulnerable to viral and infectious diseases, and thus, it is essential that they live in an isolated and hygienic  environment, near the transplant centers in Tehran. Our target group range from newborns up to the age of 18.

 How We Serve

Our support programs are operationalized in collaboration with our local sister organization, Khaneh Emad (Emad House), which is a registered non-profit organization in Iran. Emad Foundation holds a Specific OFAC License from the US Department of Treasury that allows us to transfers all donations legally to Iran to support the operations and projects managed by Khaneh Emad.

Khaneh Emad currently provides its services in two main buildings and seven decentralized apartment homes. All of these locations are in the possession of Khaneh Emad on a temporary basis. Since the start of its service in 2018, Emad House has hosted 213 families with an average stay of 76 nights. In addition to providing housing and healthy food, Khaneh Emad covers all lab and medication and transportation expenses during the outpatient treatment. You can find a comprehensive performance report here.

The Permanent Home Project

Khaneh Emad has recently acquired an old building to become its permanent home! The property is located in close vicinity of the Children’s Medical Center hospital, which is Iran’s main referral center for pediatric diseases. With an area of 440 square meters (about 4700 sq-ft), Khaneh Emad will be able to provide their services in a total area of 1500 square meters (16000 sq-ft) to replace the current temporary housing.

The property needs major reconstruction and renovation to be usable for this cause.

Our Green Week Goal

The estimated cost of reconstruction and renovation is about $20,000 per-room. With this cost, Emad House will be able to serve 40 families at a time and maintain its high-quality services for many years. In the past two years, Emad Foundation has received over $63,000 only through the Google employees donations. Your continuous and generous support has made us hopeful to raise the cost of two rooms in the new Khaneh Emad Building in the Green Week of Google. These rooms will be permanently  named after the Google employees.


Join our Google virtual meeting and Q&A on Friday Nov 12, noon-12:30 pm PST (3–3:30pm EST). Join with Google Meet.


Learn more about Emad Foundation by visiting our website, or Khaneh Emad’s pages on Facebook (EN) and Instagram (FA).

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