About Us
Emad Foundation
is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in the USA, with Federal EIN 83-0600044. Emad Foundation holds a Specific OFAC License from the US Department of Treasury which allows transfer of funds to Iran to support the operations and projects managed by our sister organization, Khaneh Emad.
Children’s hospitals in large cities host patients from several smaller towns or rural areas. During their hospitalization, children need the emotional support from their parents and close family members, more than anytime. Being under pressure by financial burdens of hospitalization, many of these families are not able to pay for appropriate accommodation and healthy food. Many families have to stay in tents, without very basic amenities such as restrooms, in harsh weather situations.
Our mission is to provide families with accommodation, food, and other basic amenities, while their kids are being medically treated.

Emad's Story
Emad Foundation was initiated with the loving memory of Emad Arman Shamekhi. Emad was born on April 25, 2016 in State College, PA. After birth, he was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Emad spent over 7 months at children’s hospitals hundreds of miles away from his home. The Ronald McDonald House Charity was a substantial support for Emad’s family through its accommodations and services provided within. The services the organization provided allowed his parents to solely focus on his treatment and not have other worries. He left our world 4 days after his first birthday. Emad’s parents appreciated the experience and immense support they received at the Ronald McDonald House by deciding to pay it forward through the creation of the Emad Foundation. In loving memory of their son, they wanted to provide a supportive environment to families who travel far distances to seek treatment for their children.
Our Mission
A Home Away From Home
Having a child at the hospital is difficult. Having to stay at a hospital far from home makes it even harder. Our goal is to make this experience just a little bit easier. We provide families with accommodation, food, and other basic amenities, while their kids are being medically treated. We want to help families be emotionally stronger so that they can have a more meaningful presence beside their kids.
Emad House is a "home away from home" that provides for the primary needs of children with illness and their families, namely appropriate accommodation, access to healthy food, urban and intercity transportation services, medical services, and financial assistance for treatments. This house welcomes children under the age of 18 with thalassemia major, immunodeficiency, hemophilia, and other genetic blood diseases that require bone marrow transplants, as well as children who need organ transplants. Emad House also offers other services such as games and entertainment for children, employment for parents, work and study halls, psychological counselling, educational gatherings, and laundry. This house aims for patients' families to spend this difficult time in a home-like environment, and to the extent possible be free from the stress of any worries other than worrying about their child's health.